P.O. Box 2499

Sandusky, OH  44870




You are busy doing the business of your business…Corporate Compass Training

can be a partner and help you with:

--First-time supervisors.  Training first-time managers about basic supervision skills, managing conflict, and other human resource related skills.

--Coaching and developing mid-level managers.  Mid-level managers have a difficult position.  Specific training programs and personal coaching have been proven effective in helping mid-level managers deal with drama and lessen conflict. 

--Senior-level coaching. Leadership coaching is confidential.  Sometimes, senior leaders need to talk through problems and possible solutions with someone outside of the organization.  Plus, the leadership and communication programs that Corporate Compass Training offers are excellent for people in senior leadership roles.  These programs are designed to help employees at any level learn how to truly connect with other people.  Connection needs to be modeled by senior leaders.  You will learn how to deeply connect with your employees and create a genuine followership.

--Teamwork.  The teamwork program offered by Corporate Compass Training is very robust.  It engages people in the thinking area of their brain as well as the emotional area of their brain.  This program is designed to garner a deeper connection with people who work together. 

--Performance management.  Corporate Compass Training has designed one-of-a-kind workshops that discuss how to handle employee evaluations, the positive and constructive feedback, as well as how to document employee behavior. This is a difficult area for many companies and most managers don’t have time to train people how to do his right.  Corporate Compass can train your staff on this process to make sure they are following through properly.

--Assessments Corporate Compass Training offers a variety of assessments.  These assessments help you and your staff with greater self-awareness. 

Corporate Compass Training is flexible in regards to your specific needs of topics, time, and other business related issues with human resources.  

Do you want…

…training programs that aren’t boring?
…training programs that are logical, relevant, and fun?
…interactive workshops?
…customized training programs that fit your specific concerns and goals?
…programs that can be offered any time of the day?
…content that is rooted in science and best practices?
…engaging programs that will have a lasting effect on the brain?
…staff development that has an impact on your bottom line?


The training programs designed and delivered by Corporate Compass Training are built from the foundation of emotional intelligence and through the lens of evidenced based research. 

Dr. Brandal  believes in the heart and mind learning methodology. 

The training is relevant, interactive, and fun!  

Welcome to Corporate Compass Training, LLC

Dr. Kitty Brandal, President and Program Architect

Contact Phone:  +1.4192395732

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Corporate Compass Training drives: 

Training can be interactive 

​and fun!

Training doesn't have

to be boring! Zzzzzzz....